@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Wether you downloaded my /Plugins/ directory or built it step by step, we can no
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Wether you downloaded my /Plugins/ directory or built it step by step, we can no
(We'll add a ball and a move script to have something to look at in our blank project see Scripts/move.cs)
(We'll add a ball and a move script to have something to look at in our blank project see Scripts/move.cs)
#### First test: Recording
#### First test: Recording
a real time recording feature to place on a camera see Scripts/Recorder.
a real time recording feature to place on a camera see [Scripts/Recorder](https://gitlab.imt-atlantique.fr/v24chere/emgucv_unity/-/blob/main/Scripts/Recorder.cs?ref_type=heads).
Place the script on the camera tou want to record.
Place the script on the camera tou want to record.
There is a colorConversion because OpenCv is in BGR while Unity is in RGB.
There is a colorConversion because OpenCv is in BGR while Unity is in RGB.