@@ -40,22 +40,22 @@ And again copy all the dynamic link library ( .dll) here into Plugins.
I didn't test in all version but it worked in my 2021 version's project
I'm using 2022.3.37f1 version here. We'll start from a blank 3D project (if you can't make it work in your project you can create a blank project quickly and try)

Dans Assets we will (create a Scripts directory for later)
and copy the Plugins directory. You will have a lot of Dependencies issues :

We'll need to go on www.nuget.org and download those dependencies :
Here I need System.Text.Json , PresentationCore , System.Drawing.Common , Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers
First download the nupkg and extract it (same as downlading a .zip and unzip)

Then inside we go to lib/netstandard2.0 and copy the .dll to Plugins

We keep downloading until all dependencies are resolved (note that some dependencies will have dependencies of their own)
I deleted Emgu.CV.Wpf in Plugins because I couldn't find his dependencies PresentationCore. it's a minor part of EmguCv we should stil be able to use the majority of it.