Hello this is a tutorial to use Open CV on Unity-Windows with the use of Emgu CV.
This is open source for open source but for commercial uses you'll need to purchase licenses, for more details see :
then you can copy the /Plugins/ directory above and put it in your Unity's /Assets/ directory
(It worked both in a 2021 and 2022 version you can try in other version I don't see a particular reason why it wouldn't work)
## Test
Wether you downloaded my /Plugins/ directory or built it step by step, we can now make a few test.
(We'll add a ball and a move script to have something to look at in our blank project see [Scripts/move.cs](Scripts/move.cs))
#### First test: Recording
a real time recording feature see [Scripts/Recorder](Scripts/Recorder.cs).
Place the script on a gameobject and link it the camera you want to record.
There is a colorConversion because OpenCv is in BGR while Unity is in RGB.
And a Flip because OpenCv places the origin on the top left of images and Unity in the bottom left (=> going up means an increasing Y_coordinate in Unity but decreasing in Open_Cv)
The script can extend frames duration be sure to use Time.deltaTime in your scripts when needed.
If you have performance issue try recording in .avi format instead of .mp4 (comment/uncomment appropriate lines).
Note that the path by default ( Assets/output.avi ) will only be useful in the editor as /Assets is inaccessible once built.
You can use "Application.persistentDataPath" for a consistent way to read/write outside your Unity Application.
#### Second test: Basic tracking
## Step by Step Unity Install
On this link
Go find the release 4.9.0 (latest currently) download ""
<img src="screenshots/emgucv_release_4_9_0.png" width="550">
Unzip it and go into \libs
Make a directory anywhere called Plugins (It'll go in your unity project later)
Copy all the dynamic link library ( .dll) here into Plugins.
Now go into \libs\runtimes\win-x64\native (change win-x64 if you're not in 64 bit)
<img src="screenshots/libemgucv_libs_native.png" width="550">
And again copy all the dynamic link library ( .dll) here into Plugins.
I didn't test in all version but it worked in my 2021 version's project and
I'm using 2022.3.37f1 version here. We'll start from a blank 3D project (if you can't make it work in your project you can create a blank project quickly and try)
In Assets we will (create a Scripts directory for later and )
copy the Plugins directory. You will have a lot of Dependencies issues :
<img src="screenshots/erreur_drag_plugins.PNG" width="550">
We'll need to go on and download those dependencies :
Here I need System.Text.Json , (PresentationCore) , System.Drawing.Common , Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers
First download the nupkg and extract it (same as downlading a .zip and unzip)
Then inside we go to lib/netstandard2.0 and copy the .dll to Plugins
We keep downloading until all dependencies are resolved (note that some dependencies will have dependencies of their own).
I deleted Emgu.CV.Wpf in Plugins because I couldn't find his dependencies PresentationCore properly.
It's a minor part of EmguCv we should still be able to use the majority of it.