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  • Angelo Capossele's avatar
    Adds new analysis-dashboard, improves analysis server, adds proper metrics... · f4b7f3f8
    Angelo Capossele authored
    Adds new analysis-dashboard, improves analysis server, adds proper metrics collection and Prometheus exporter (#502)
    *  Clean up
    *  Add TestCalculateBranchOfTransaction
    * 🚀 Upgrade fpc dashboard
    * 🐳 Fix docker-compose
    *  Add TestMoveTransactionToBranch
    *  Add TestFork
    *  Add TestBookPayload
    * Add test for checkPayloadSolidity
    *  Add TestSetTransactionPreferred
    * Add more tests
    *  Fix Tangle test
    * Feat: started implementing lucas test cases
    * Feat: fixed some issued + further tests
    * Feat: started adding invalid txs check
    * Feat: added removal logic for invalid transactions
    * Refactor: removed Println
    *  Add test for 2nd Reattachment
    * feat: Add first value transfer integration test
    * fix: fix wrong plugin name
    *  Add aggregated branches test cases
    * Feat: added a method to generate AggregatedBranchIDs
    * 🎨 Use GenerateAggregatedBranchID in test
    * Feat: refactored delete logic
    * Fix: fixed broken test
    * Feat: added final test cases for invalid txs / payloads
    * ja nei was gaht dän da ab
    * 🚧 Make FPCHeartbeat smaller
    * 🚧 Split vote context to fit into an FPC update
    * 🚧 WIP
    * Value tangle concurrency tests (#451)
    * Add simple concurrency test
    * Add reverse and concurrent transaction and value object solidification tests and fix bug when value object was visited more than once
    * Add some documentation to make tests easily understandable
    * 🗃 Add FPC analysis data persistence
    *  Add Prometheus
    *  Update FPC test
    * 🚨 Remove linter warning
    * 🚨 Remove linter warnings
    * ️ Fix event closure
    * 🔧 Add prometheus config
    * WIP propagation tests but fixed already couple of bugs
    * Fix: fixed some bugs
    * Feat: added propagation to inclusion states to tx and its outputs
    * Feat: finished the propagation down to the tx and its outputs
    * 🚧 WIP
    * 🐳 update docker-network entry node
    * 🙈 Add .gitignore
    * 📈 Update Prometheus
    * 🐛 Fix MongoDB ctx bug
    * WIP propagation tests and fix bugs
    * 🔥 Delete finalized conflicts
    * Add colored tokens test
    * Add value tangle test to github workflow
    * fix: Fix wrong function name in comments
    * refactor: Make testSnapshots disabled in default and minor tweaks
    * Feat: fixed some issues and introduced a Debugger
    * Refactor: added a few comments
    * Split massive test file into slightly more digestible chunks
    * Initial commit for metrics collections package
    * Clean up propagation tests
    * Feat: fixed bugs
    * Feat: enabled missing tests
    * Add some documentation and missing checks for aggregated branches
    * 🚧 WIP
    * Clean up tangle tests
    * adds snapshot type
    * Fix: finalized wasn't propagated when a branch was rejected
    * Skeleton for implementation
    * Measure isSynced
    * UI Improvements
    * Make it compile
    * Measure TPS in value tangle
    * implements ReadFrom and WriteTo for Snapshot
    * read in snapshot file if snapshot path is defined
    * renames snapshot test file
    * 🚧 WIP metrics
    * Measure Tips in value tangle
    * 📈 Add DBSize metric
    * WIP debugging concurrency bug of death
    * Measure tips in message tangle
    * 📈 Add AvgNeighborConnectionLifeTime metric
    * ️ Bump hive.go
    * 📈 Add autopeering distance metric
    * Feat: added more reliable fails in test case
    * Fix: fixes a race condition in solidification
    * 📈 Add gossip network traffic metric
    * Clean up test
    * adds assets volume to integration test containers
    * fixes some asserts
    * adds non-working conflict integration test
    * check transaction availability in partition
    * renames integration test
    * Measure MPS per payload type
    * Measure (cumulative) total msg count and per payload
    * Measure FPC number of currently active conflicts
    * lower amount of peers
    * Package updates
    * 🎉 Link valuetransfer+FPC+dashboard
    * 📦 Update packr
    * 🐛 Fix logo
    * first passing version of consensus integration test
    * remove debug printlns
    * do all integration tests again
    * increases avg. network delay fcob rule, removes debug printlns
    * go mod tidy by Marie Kondō
    * renames incl. state. conflict to conflicting
    * go fmt tangle.go
    * go fmt tangle_test, goimports dapp.go
    * goimports again because the dog is sad
    * run consensus integration test on the CI
    * use explicit pumba version 0.7.2
    * pray to the CI gods for the test to pass
    * fix panic when tangle.Fork() is called
    *  Add double spend test
    * ️ Update hive.go
    * readd all tests again
    * 📈 Add AnalysisOutboundBytes metric
    * ️ Update go.mod
    * 📈 Start setting prometheus metrics
    * reset integration framework paras
    * 🐳 Update docker-compose
    * 🐳 Fix typo
    * 🚧 WIP
    * 🐳 Update docker-compose
    * ️ Bump golang version
    * 🐛 Fix snapshot file print
    * 🔧 Change client url for testing
    * 🐛 Remove pflag double import
    * OpinionEvent struct for calling Finalized and Failed vote events
    * Measure finalized/failed conflicts + average rounds of finalization
    * refactor: Remove FPC page from dashboard
    * refactor: Remove Drng link from dashboard
    * 📈 Add autopeering network traffic metric
    * 🐳 Bump up golang version
    * 🚧 WIP
    * Measure voting queries (received, unreplied) and number of opinions
    *  Add sendPayload API
    * ️ Avoid sending empty rounds
    * 📈 Add a bunch of metrics to prometheus
    * Feat: outputs inherit status of transaction
    * 🚧 Add Grafana integration
    * Refactor: fixed erroneous rename
    * 🚧 WIP
    * Fix: fixed missing marshaling of output bools
    * Fixes after merge
    * 🐛 Fix some bugs
    * 📈 Prometheus FPC data collection
    * 🎨 Small fixes
    * Fix: fixed decision pending
    * 📈 Prometheus Tangle metrics data collection
    * ️ Refactor FPC metric events
    * ️ Bump up hive.go
    *  Add metric heartbeat packet
    * 📈 Add clients metrics collection via the analysis server
    * 🚧 WIP
    * Prometheus clients info
    * Fix metrics config + enable prometheus collection on entry_node
    * use new protocol
    * wip: redial on lost connection
    * assure conn is not nil
    * close on write
    * Fix bugs + enable spammer on peer_master
    * Fix analysis fpc livefeed bug
    * connector cleanup
    * 📈 Autopeering NeighborCount + Network Diameter metrics
    * do not log the dial error since the logger might not available
    * removes test snapshot plugin
    * ️ Improve analysis-server
    * 🔊 Change log to debug level
    * graph pkg from autopeering-sim
    * Remove debug line + hive.go update
    * ️ Change hive.go version
    * get rid of test snapshot plugin
    * fixes wrong use of Println
    * removes random tool
    * 🐛 Move conn initialization
    * removes duplicated value entry in GH CI workflows
    * ️ Update hive.go
    * ️ Clean go.mod
    * 🚨 Fix graph pkg linter warnings
    * ️ improve analysis plugin
    * 🚨 Fix metrics plugin linter warning
    * xxx
    * wip
    * fixes integration test
    * 📈 Add FPC global metrics to prometheus
    * 🐛 Fix double register
    * 🚨 Fix client pkg linter warning
    * 🚨 Fix webapi linter warnings
    * 🚑 Run you fools!
    *  Fix testutil import
    * Adjust inbox worker pool capacity to default
    * Adjust inbox worker pool capacity to default (#505)
    * 👌 Address PR review comments
    * 🐶 Fix watch dog warnings
    * 🦴 Let's try with a new bone for the dog now..
    * upgrade hive.go to master
    * 🐛 Fix local dashboard
    * ️ Improves mongoDB reliabilty
    * 🚨 Fix linter warnings
    *  Fix test
    * 📈 Make dbSize a prometheus Gauge
    ️ Remove unecessary initialization
    * introduce worker pool for storing finalized vote ctxs
    * Update packr
    * type alias FPCRecords to []FPCRecord
    Co-authored-by: default avatarjonastheis <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHans Moog <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarjkrvivian <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarLuca Moser <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarLevente Pap <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMartyn Janes <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarWolfgang Welz <>