Jonas Theis authored
* Create base for little dapp to measure actual network delay * Adjust remote log to support additional messages * Send network delay objects via remote log functionality * Create wrapper for remote logger connection for easier use * Add check for issuer public key * Disable debug log in Logstash * Disable debug log in Logstash * Bind host time into containers
Jonas Theis authored* Create base for little dapp to measure actual network delay * Adjust remote log to support additional messages * Send network delay objects via remote log functionality * Create wrapper for remote logger connection for easier use * Add check for issuer public key * Disable debug log in Logstash * Disable debug log in Logstash * Bind host time into containers
.gitignore 358 B
# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, build with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
# Logs
# Project files
# Database directory
# OSX related files