Introduction to Python, numpy, Scipy and Matplotlib
## Python and notebooks installation via miniconda
In order to work with a comfortable Python environment, we suggest that you install miniconda on your machine and create a conda environment that you can use for the labs. Conda is a popular way to create python environments. Miniconda supplies a minimal conda environnement.
Install miniconda from
In general, for Mac, Linux and Windows, installation will be done in home directory (single user install) or directory /opt.
Then, "conda" command can be launched from a terminal (if the path to the command is not recognized it could be found in directory miniconda3/bin/conda). For Windows os a Powershell is created that can be started from the command menu.
- creating an environnement and installation of libraries used in the lessons:
$ conda create -n LAB_3.9 python=3.9 jupyter numpy scipy matplotlib sympy numba pandas openpyxl scikit-learn
- activation of the environnement:
$ conda activate LAB_3.9
- launching notebooks:
$ jupyter notebook
- More info at