package getNeighbors

import (


var PLUGIN = node.NewPlugin("WebAPI getNeighbors Endpoint", node.Enabled, configure)

func configure(plugin *node.Plugin) {
	webapi.Server.GET("getNeighbors", getNeighbors)

// getNeighbors returns the chosen and accepted neighbors of the node
func getNeighbors(c echo.Context) error {

	chosen := []Neighbor{}
	accepted := []Neighbor{}

	if autopeering.Selection == nil {
		return requestFailed(c, "Neighbor Selection is not enabled")

	for _, peer := range autopeering.Selection.GetOutgoingNeighbors() {

		n := Neighbor{
			ID:        peer.ID().String(),
			PublicKey: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(peer.PublicKey()),
		n.Services = getServices(peer)
		chosen = append(chosen, n)
	for _, peer := range autopeering.Selection.GetIncomingNeighbors() {
		n := Neighbor{
			ID:        peer.ID().String(),
			PublicKey: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(peer.PublicKey()),
		n.Services = getServices(peer)
		accepted = append(accepted, n)
	return requestSuccessful(c, chosen, accepted)


func requestSuccessful(c echo.Context, chosen, accepted []Neighbor) error {
	return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, Response{
		Chosen:   chosen,
		Accepted: accepted,

func requestFailed(c echo.Context, message string) error {
	return c.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, Response{
		Error: message,

type Response struct {
	Chosen   []Neighbor `json:"chosen"`
	Accepted []Neighbor `json:"accepted"`
	Error    string     `json:"error,omitempty"`

type Neighbor struct {
	ID        string `json:"id"`        // comparable node identifier
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` // public key used to verify signatures
	Services  []peerService

type peerService struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`      // ID of the service
	Address string `json:"address"` // network address of the service

func getServices(p *peer.Peer) []peerService {
	services := []peerService{}
	peeringService := p.Services().Get(service.PeeringKey)
	if peeringService != nil {
		services = append(services, peerService{
			ID:      "peering",
			Address: peeringService.String(),

	gossipService := p.Services().Get(service.GossipKey)
	if gossipService != nil {
		services = append(services, peerService{
			ID:      "gossip",
			Address: gossipService.String(),

	fpcService := p.Services().Get(service.FPCKey)
	if fpcService != nil {
		services = append(services, peerService{
			ID:      "FPC",
			Address: fpcService.String(),

	return services